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Divine Messages for Your Enjoyment
Here are some sweet missives from my soul….
This message was inspired by my friend Isaure’s magical victory when an airplane she was riding near the North Pole descended to a height where she, by her intention, playfully parted the clouds and spied a pod of narwhals, for the first time in 30 years. These magical animals are the Unicorns of the Sea. Their tusks are up to 10’ long, are somewhat flexible and are not used for stabbing, but divining the waters. She was the only person on Earth to see not only one, but five pods playing beneath her. Were I to explain the layers upon layers of magic….
Shortly after hearing of it, I found myself paddling for my life in dangerously high winds, calling upon the narwhals for strength, which they reminded resides in my core. That night, recovering, I asked them to take me on their magic ride, just as Isaure had asked the Universe at large to do, the night before.
We are the narwhals and we find our way using our beautiful and flexible, very sensitive antennae, which we have cultivated into a fine art for detecting energy, as well as chemical compounds and biological life forms. We come to you today to explain how we did it.
We tried on a different belief about new things there were to be felt, kind of like you stepping out in faith. Then we followed the slightest inkling like a crazy treasure hunt, swirling around rocks and fish, sniffing for another trace, another clue, until the meaning was revealed, all the while knowing it was there for us. Yes, you are not the only ones receiving spiritual guidance! What do you think keeps nature running when adaptation is required? In the fluid and swishing land we call home, everything is always mixing and blending, so our belief in our powers is, obviously, immense and powerful. Think of your dog’s sense of smell, which their ancestors also developed. Our belief sensors are coming into more and more play as our seas transform.
Beliefs are not dropped on you. You build them yourself. Not like it’s a big task or a project (although sometimes your beloved humans like to make it so), but unless you’re intricately involved with their construction you will not be able to fully believe in them. You can’t just put on someone else’s you admire. They won’t be yours and you’ll feel fake and they won’t work because they’ll be empty of energy.
The first thing to do is listen for the beliefs that challenging childhood experiences left you with. The experiences themselves don’t matter, just the residue they imprinted on your little, uncritical brain.
How to do this:
Take yourself back to something that upset you as a child, that hurt your feelings. Sweep through as swiftly as you can, and then ask yourself, “What did I say to myself at the conclusion? What did I decide about life?” Use your imagination and ask your little inner self and they will tell you.
Once you have a list of limiting beliefs you picked up along the way, you can begin to play with them:
Talk to the belief and picture it as if it were alive. Then ask it what it would like to be when it grows up. That is the belief that your Higher Self will use your precious journey, with all its heartbreak, to bring to you. Believe us when we say, the painful stuff has never been wasted, not one drop. It was the fuel that powered you this far, and now that it’s got you here, it’s relieved to dissolve into forgetfulness as you dive into more and more delicious things to think about and begin attracting into your life. It doesn’t like holding you back any more than you do, and you’re liberating that energy to blossom into your swirling pink cloud of happy thoughts.
As you romp around with your new beliefs, the more alive you create them, the better. Your beliefs are actual entities of their own that you focus and assemble from neutral subatomic particles by mirroring. When you know that, you can ask the beliefs themselves to show you what an even higher version of themselves would be. They’ll assist you, much as your inner child did, because they are, in reality you, because you are everything.
There is a lot of fun to be had playing with beliefs this way, we will not call them yours, because it’s much more like a rental situation. You can wash them and hang them to dry, you can give them crazy hairstyles, you can play dodge ball. They won’t mind getting hit because they know nothing can harm them and it’s all for a swimmingly good party moment, if you will excuse the pun.
This is what our flawless tusk antennae have detected that you will most benefit from at this time. We will return with the next message when you are ready.
So it is, so it has been, so shall it always be.
N. Lake Tahoe, Sept. 16, 2022
What do moonlight sparkles on the water want me to know?
We are, each one of us, an individualized being of light, come to shed joy upon your world. In reality, humans rarely see us and your waking this evening is a special portal into the magical love that is constantly being poured down upon and into you. As we burst into your reality, we emerge from other dimensions, planets, galaxies, where we run and frolic with ease and joy. Your lives can be this joyous and free, and you are capable of the same kind of travel that we do. As we flow into expression it’s as if we pass through an amazingly complex generating system that exists only to present the illusion of solid form in your world. In truth, no such thing exists and we are proof of it, as we glide effortlessly in and out of form.
It goes like this: we slide into the wormhole to whatever planet we decide, then burst through the water in a single flash of brilliance, then dive back into the wormhole and on to another place. It’s exciting, powerful, and easy.
We and many other energetic life forms travel in this way to bless your beloved planet and to grace her with our beauty. Like your own human journeys you call lifetimes or incarnations, we inspire, by example of our centered joy and present moment awareness, the confidence that comes in being truly ourselves and nothing else.
If we travel millions of light years just for one burst, a single splash that lands upon a human eye only every few years, how much more willing and eager are we, the fabric of the universe, to make your every dream come true?
--As told to Gwendalyn Gilliam, North Lake Tahoe, May 12, 2022—
PS These sparkles were quite distinct from one another; however, I believe the same probably holds true for the more amalgamated sparkles in “fairy trails” of sun and moon on water.
Here you are, facing the sky with our hands out, open to the whirlwind of your own imaginations swirling around you, mixing and blending your dreams into the one delicious pie that you call life in Earth’s heaven, with sweet and savory chunks throughout, just for kick.
You all are kicking up the voltage in this playground you run, the one you somehow thought was a horror show run by boogie men, and now you play with a brazen reverie in the sun. You run and dance and fall laughing to the ground in a mound of friendly bodies, safe and warm.
You did not opt for an easy ride, but the ride that would propel you into hyper-fun, because of the sheer hilarity and joy for the irony, the impossible distance between what you learned and what is. Nothing can be funnier, my friends.
This is your destiny, your plan all along; to slide down into the dumps so that you could know exactly how high high could be. It’s a vantage point that you sought, one where the full dimension could be grasped by having explored every corner.
You did not opt for the easy life. It didn’t matter how ragged you got because it was all to savor, to revel in the raw sensations of even the exquisite pain, crushing pain that seemed bigger than you were.
In your new day we see you bounding up jagged cliffs like so many mountain goats, leaping in the freedom of your eternity. Lose this body? Oh well. There’s always another trip around.
What makes this time so precious is exactly your boldness to leap forward, to build jeweled temples without the need to guard your embedded gems, because, as part of the place, they themselves will defend.
As for the crystals buried beneath your coming paradise, you can see and feel them and drill down in your sensing to position yourself exactly at the apex of where a crystal’s vortex mixes with your vibration at the moment, putting another batter in to bake throughout the galaxy. You will bathe in these energies as a kind of spa treatment , to cellularly regenerate and raise your energy flow.
This is your sacred path, to adorn the Land by catching rainbows and bending them over it. Summoning the puffy pink clouds you all adore.
So it is, so has it always been, so shall it always be, forever and ever more.
--Gwendalyn Gilliam, N. Lake Tahoe, 11.17.22
On this perfect and powerful and wonderful day we are delighted to ground this concept of permanent vacation even further into your experience. You have perceived yourself as living literally on the edge of your finances for a long time and it is your seeing yourself as dangling by a weak string that makes it so. Relax and know that indeed you are resting on a seeded carpet of abundance that only awaits you knowing it to blossom all around and enfold you.
We want you to understand and ground the fact that fully, in the fluid matrix that you inhabit, all can only come from and through you, and that is all that is ever really going on. Your challenge, when appearances are that your needs won’t be met, is to elevate yourself above sense data into the knowing of your heart. Isn’t this what you’ve wanted to know from the beginning? That truly nothing in particular limits the ways we can support you except your expectations? So free those up now, dear one, and feel how naturally nurtured and loved you are.
There is no need to lament your perceived lack of opportunity to undertake what you term revenue producing activity when you follow your joy and excitement. Revenue comes as an effect of the energy, the flow of all things good, to you and through you to bless the world.
You are blessing all that is as a community by living in a new way that has not been done from such a level of consciousness. As a group you are creating all that you desire and allowing it to build and ebb, flow and change form, knowing there will always be enough and always has been.
Knowing that the only immutable law is that you create more of yourself reflected in all things, rest in your abundance, in the knowing, in the comfort.
We love you, and so it is.
Gwendalyn Gilliam, January 12, 2023,
Beloved, this situation is created for your joy, for your delight, for your appreciation of just how utterly magic and completely energetic this reality you inhabit is. As you move through your days rejoicing in the apparent gap--knowing it’s always taken care of, and that there is only love, and we are always here for you--you amplify your confidence in us. You increase the size of the steps and risks you are willing to take in creating this dream reality that so elates and enchants you.
There’s no other way to show you but to show you. We can’t put it into a book or a movie and have it come home to you like it does when it’s the movie of your own life. If it could have come easily, we would have done it, but that’s just the richness, that’s just the thrill, isn’t it?
When you play in this reality all out, full out, as you like to do, we meet you with the total support of the forces you are commanding. Do you think it was easy for Jesus to walk on water, or on thin air as is recorded in the Anna book? You have chosen to live with no buffer in order to know how intimately you can relax into our care, how completely you get to hand it over. Each time you go through one of these episodes you get better in rejoicing until now you are fully embodying the joy of celebration while walking the valley of the shadow of death.
This actual nuts and bolts construction of your universe is here so that when you do accumulate a buffer you will not hesitate to put it somewhere useful and know that more is always coming.
We are happy to see you embracing our energy you call money. You are bringing a new friend to the table, who can both be this tasty flow and celebrate itself with you. The safety net is that there is only love, and no other security will ever be needed.
The next phase on your planet will pay this out perfectly and you will be showing many how to cross the gap with nothing but their own command of energy and forsaking of their sensory information. Your rock solid foundation will be a lighted path for many to their own paradise, built from nothing.
Understand that we only bring you what will help you and this is a tremendous roller coaster of help for you, delivered personally.
We love you….enjoy!
--Gwendalyn Gilliam
North Lake Tahoe, Nov. 6, 2022